Don’t Lay Up to Your Favorite Yardage

By Bradley Turner, Keiser University College of Golf Director of Online Golf Instruction, MBA, PGA There are many misconceptions in golf that have permeated the minds of avid golfers for many years. Incorrect ideas such as keeping the left arm perfectly straight, pause at the top of the backswing, keep your right elbow close to…

Nose Goes Over Toes

By Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Don’t you hate it when your golf swing gets short and choppy, and you feel completely rushed and out of sync? In addition to all the bad feels, your ball scatters all over the course and flies much shorter…

The Worst Putting Mistake You Can Make

By Bradley Turner, Keiser University College of Golf Director of Online Golf Instruction – MBA, PGA We all have experienced the frustration of taking too many putts during a round of golf. The days when the hole seems to be two inches in diameter will lead many golfers to the wrong conclusion regarding their poor…

When You Slow Down a Bad Swing, You Get A Slow, Bad Swing

By Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research You hear it all the time: “Swing easy like the pros.” Of course, they do look like they are swinging slowly, but they’re not, and neither should you. Besides being bad advice, there’s another reason underachieving swings are so…

Playing to Your Potential

By Bradley Turner, Keiser University College of Golf Director of Online Golf Instruction – MBA, PGA Every golfer would like to play to their potential in an important competitive event. It really does not matter if the event is the C Flight club championship, the City Championship, or the US Open; the challenge during these…

Keep Pace During the Race

By Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research To build a good golf swing, you have to pay attention not only to the “what” (swing mechanics) but also to the “when” — i.e., when you do the what. There’s no question that you’re in a race from…

Coaching with Technology

By Bradley Turner, Keiser University College of Golf Director of Online Golf Instruction – MBA, PGA The Keiser University College of Golf (KUCOG), located at the university’s Flagship campus, has recently added new golf instruction technology to its existing offerings to students. The KUCOG Training Center has added a Swing Catalyst, which provides high-level feedback…

Keiser University College of Golf Students Qualify for NCCGA Team

After a week of qualifying, the Keiser University Seahawk National Collegiate Club Golf Association (NCCGA) team has been finalized for the Regional Tournament to be held at Sandridge Golf Club in Vero Beach, Florida.    The nine students who qualified for the traveling team include Braydon Aleff 68, Garry Williams 73, Sam Wilson 73, Chia…

Hip Switch Delivers Energy to the Ball

By Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research The hip is a ball-and-socket joint where the femur, the large bone in your upper leg, plugs into the pelvic girdle. Your hip joint is activated when load (weight) is placed in the joint. Your goal, if you want…

There is a Turn in Every Coil, But Not a Coil in Every Turn

By Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Your muscles are like lazy houseguests who just lie around and do nothing until you force them to get moving. And nowhere is this propensity to be lazy more prevalent than when you lift the club to the top…