Exploring New Horizons: How Veterans Can Thrive in Golf Course Management

By Bradley Turner, Keiser University College of Golf Executive Director – MBA, PGA Military Veterans possess a unique set of skills and experiences that make them well-suited for a career in golf management. The discipline, teamwork, and attention to detail instilled during their service transfer seamlessly into the world of golf operations and management. For…

The Role of Fertilizers in Maintaining Healthy Golf Course Turf

By Bradley Turner, Keiser University College of Golf Executive Director – MBA, PGA   The number one concern for almost every golfer is the condition of the golf course. As long as the course is in reasonably good condition, golfers will be happy. Achieving and maintaining healthy turfgrass requires a multifaceted approach, with fertilizers playing a…

The Psychology of Teaching Golf: Motivating and Engaging Students

By Bradley Turner. Keiser University College of Golf Executive Director – MBA, PGA Teaching golf is more than imparting technical skills and building mental proficiency. It requires the golf instructor to understand the psychology behind learning and athletic performance. Essentially, a golf instructor must first understand their student’s golfing aspirations and then impart information appropriate…

Six Reasons to Become a Member of the PGA of America

By Bradley Turner, Keiser University College of Golf Executive Director – MBA, PGA The world of golf is more than just a sport; it’s a way of life for those passionate about pursuing a career in the golf industry. The golf industry has enjoyed unprecedented growth in rounds played by golfers in America over the…

Tee Time Management: Optimizing Profitability

By Bradley Turner, Keiser University College of Golf Executive Director – MBA, PGA Most golfers like the idea of showing up to their golf course of choice with no other golfers in sight as they head to the first tee. The typical golfer wants to enjoy a day on the golf course without concern about…

Five Things Being a Golfer Says About Your Personality

By Bradley Turner Keiser University College of Golf Executive Director – MBA, PGA The average non-golfer must wonder what is so appealing about the game of golf from the perspective of the 25 million golfers in America. I can attest on behalf of many American golfers that there are many special aspects to the game…

How to Hit a Draw

By Bradley Turner Keiser University College of Golf Executive Director – MBA, PGA The golf swing is a three-dimensional movement with countless variables that influence the flight of the golf ball. This can create a misunderstanding as to why the ball hooked or sliced. There are only five foundational variables that make a golf ball…

Understanding the Learning Curve in Golf Instruction  

By David Wixson, Keiser University College of Golf Professor and a PGA Master Professional  Golf is a game of patience, persistence, and precision. For beginners and even intermediate players, the learning curve can be steep. Whether you’re just starting or striving to shave a few strokes off your handicap, understanding the golf learning curve and…

Customer Experience is a Key Component in Golf Course Management

By Frank Longabucco – Keiser University College of Golf Professor and PGA Certified Professional A key component of golf course management is the customers’ experience. Golf operators are in the hospitality industry. Creating a positive customer experience at your facility will drive repeat business, differentiate you from the competition, add to member retention, and increase…

When to Replace Your Golf Clubs

Every year, golf club manufacturers release their latest and greatest golf clubs. The annual releases are upgrades on the previous models, and with golf club technology reaching new levels, there is a chance a player’s performance can improve from the new items. The continual development of high-quality clubs makes it seem like golfers need to…