10 Signs You Should Work in the Golf Industry

A recent research report from SRI International stated that more than 2 million people in the United States work in the golf industry. Should you be one of them? There is a wide variety of careers in golf in this $70 billion industry, but there are certain indications that this might be the career for you. Here are…

Tips for Going To A Golf Driving Range at Night

For many golfers, getting to a driving range during the day is nearly impossible. Maybe you work during the day, and weekends are filled with regular golfing rounds, spending time with family, or other activities. A lot of times it is easier to sneak out to the range at night. However, the range at night…

How to be a Better Golfer in 2016 [Infographic]

Share this Image On Your Site </p><br /><br /> <p><strong>Please include attribution to Keiser University College of Golf with this graphic.</strong></p><br /><br /> <p><a href=’https://collegeofgolf.keiseruniversity.edu/how-to-be-a-better-golfer-in-2016/’><img src=’https://d2mqyehkqu1tjn.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/how-to-be-a-better-golfer-in-2016.jpg’ alt=’How to be a Better Golfer’ width=’500px’ border=’0′ /></a></p><br /><br /> <p> For some, New Year’s resolutions mean it’s time to work on being a better golfer. That will…

Golf Year in Review 2015

By all standards, 2015 was an exciting year for golf. Jordan Spieth captured the first two majors (Masters and U.S. Open), then challenged for the Modern Day Grand Slam by finishing 4th at the British Open and 2nd at the PGA Championship. His three other PGA Tour victories clinched the #1 world ranking and set…

Tournament Management Class Event

On December 8th students from Instructor Longabucco’s class held a golf tournament to benefit Cystic Fibrosis at Fountains Country Club. The students managed every aspect of the event. The class formed a committee, decided on format, made a flyer, promoted the event, sign up, handicapping, rules sheet, GHIN TPP pairing reports, check in, pace of…

Keiser University Club Golf Team Competes in NCCGA Fall National Championship

Last week, the Keiser University College of Golf Seahawks Club Golf Team competed in the 2015 Fall  NCCGA National Championship held at TPC San Antonio in San Antonio, Texas. Keiser entered the event ranked 14th in the nation out of 225 teams. The top 32 teams qualified for National Championship. In qualifying for the Nationals,…

Putting Greens and Maintenance

“Wow!” you think to yourself as you size up a putt, “this putting green is the nicest I’ve ever seen. It’s like a smooth carpet in the lobby of a luxury hotel!” It’s a pleasure to putt on an immaculate green, but how do they get it so short and smooth without it becoming a…

Golf Course Rating Vs. Slope Rating [Infographic]

A golf course’s slope rating is listed on their score card, along with the par for that course and the course rating. These numbers are intended to help golfers determine the difficulty of the course. Course and slope rating are both used in determining a handicap differential. The course rating is an estimated average score…

The Crazy World of Golf Trick Shot Artists

Sometimes golf is seen as an elitist sport for snobby upper classes. They spend their day on the course speaking through clenched teeth and discussing stock options and gold futures. Rock and Roll Atmosphere That image is a long way from the rock and roll atmosphere of today’s golf trick shot artist. With a long…

Alumni Eric Rein Addresses Introduction To Club Management Class

Keiser University College of Golf alumni Eric Rein, Assistant Manager at Park Ridge Golf Course in Lake Worth, Florida, was a guest speaker for Donna White’s Introduction to Club Management class. The class took a field trip to Park Ridge, so they were able to see first-hand the challenges that Eric faced. Topics of Eric’s…