Golf Brain: Tone Off/Putt In

A Legacy Post by Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Dr. T. J. Tomasi (1940-2023) How do you know what to do when you swing a golf club? The general answer is that you have a brain map for each specialized movement pattern for everything you’ve learned, i.e., typing, swimming,…

The Secrets the Pros Know: Golf Wrist

A Legacy Post by Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Dr. T. J. Tomasi (1940-2023) The secret move is to keep the seal. That is, your trail wrist stays hinged until just after release.   If you’re like most golfers, you probably hinge your trail wrist backward at the top…

8 Qualities Every Good Golf Caddy Should Have

By Bradley Turner Keiser University College of Golf Director of Online Golf Instruction, MBA, PGA  Playing golf with a superior caddy is the best way to enjoy a round of golf. One of my favorite caddy experiences just so happened to take place at one of the world’s great golf courses Cypress Pointe on the…

8 Foods that Negatively Impact Your Golf Game

By Bradley Turner, Keiser University College of Golf Director of Online Golf Instruction – MBA, PGA You are what you eat. We have all heard that phrase at some point in our lives. As the science of sports nutrition has evolved, it seems as if the phrase ‘you are what you eat’ is true! Every…

College of Golf March 2023 Events

College of Golf Students Enjoy Student and Staff Competition Keiser University College of Golf (KUCOG) students recently participated in a friendly Student and Staff competition at Martin Downs Golf Course in Palm City, Florida. The competition format was ‘one best ball of four gross,’ and the winners were Kyle Nieter, Abbas Hussain, Robert Vinson, and…

8 Reasons Why Golf is the Most Challenging but Rewarding Game

By Bradley Turner, Keiser University College of Golf Director of Online Golf Instruction – MBA, PGA I have heard this comment many times from students… ‘If I could only break 100, I would be a happy golfer,’ When they finally break that milestone, it isn’t too long before they want to break the 90 barrier….

The Super Basic of Putting

By Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research This article outlines a basic that precedes all other basics of putting: You must determine your dominant side in your putting stroke – your right or left arm. This doesn’t depend on whether you putt right-handed or left-handed –…

Master the Kinematic Sequence for Power

A Legacy Post by Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Dr. T. J. Tomasi (1940-2023) He has a high swing speed – and he’s good. Is a big hitter off the tee usually a good player? Usually, the answer is ‘yes,’ as experience and research indicate that club head speed…

The Pass Along

By Dr. T.J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research While you may not be consciously aware of it, your brain has no problem keeping track of your club head when it’s in front of you because the club head is “seeable,” either by looking directly at it or through…

A Sand Lesson from Number One

By Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Being a good sand player involves adjusting your technique to the lie that you are dealt in the bunker. In the photos below, Luke Donald, once ranked number one in the world, has a challenging lie because his ball…