
Weight Shift Varies with Club Length

By Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research One of the non-negotiables for a full power swing is weight transfer (a more accurate term for which is pressure transfer), i.e., you must be in your front hip coming back to the ball. Of course, you can hit…

Keiser University Announces Online Master of Science Degree in Golf Teaching and Learning

Keiser University is pleased to announce that it now offers an online Master of Science degree in Golf Teaching and Learning. Designed to assist students in gaining the specialized knowledge required for a successful career in the golf instruction industry, Keiser University College of Golf (KUCOG) students will receive a blend of classroom instruction and…

Don’t Lay Up to Your Favorite Yardage

By Bradley Turner, Keiser University College of Golf Director of Online Golf Instruction, MBA, PGA There are many misconceptions in golf that have permeated the minds of avid golfers for many years. Incorrect ideas such as keeping the left arm perfectly straight, pause at the top of the backswing, keep your right elbow close to…

Nose Goes Over Toes

By Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Don’t you hate it when your golf swing gets short and choppy, and you feel completely rushed and out of sync? In addition to all the bad feels, your ball scatters all over the course and flies much shorter…

The Worst Putting Mistake You Can Make

By Bradley Turner, Keiser University College of Golf Director of Online Golf Instruction – MBA, PGA We all have experienced the frustration of taking too many putts during a round of golf. The days when the hole seems to be two inches in diameter will lead many golfers to the wrong conclusion regarding their poor…