
Lexi’s U.S. Open

By Bradley Turner Keiser University College of Golf Director of Online Golf Instruction – MBA, PGA I have always enjoyed watching the best athletes in their respective sports perform on the biggest stage. There is no bigger stage for women’s golf than the United States Open Championship known as the U.S. Open. This past weekend,…

Elbows Move in Sync for Consistent Control

By Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research The most reliable type of elbow action used in the golf swing is a non-manipulative motion that occurs as a result of syncing your arms and body. While you can hit the ball by flying out your right elbow,…

The U.S. Open Strategy is Changing

By Bradley Turner Keiser University College of Golf Director of Online Golf Instruction, MBA, PGA The 2021 U.S. Open was held recently at Torrey Pines, and the 156 competitors prepared themselves mentally and physically for the 72-hole rigorous test of their golf skills. Historically, this championship creates the most challenging conditions for the best in…

Shanking Explained

By Bradley Turner, Keiser University College of Golf Director of Online Golf Instruction – MBA, PGA Say the word “shank” to a group of golfers, and they will act as if the devils of golf have just been released to wreak havoc on their score. Shanking Shank is a five-letter word, but it is worse…

The Difference Between a Chip and a Pitch

By Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Surprising as it sounds, many golfers don’t know when to pitch and when to chip. They’re two different shots with different techniques and knowing when to use which can lower your scores. What is the Difference Between a Chip…