How to Learn Golf while You Sleep

by Dr. T. J. Tomasi Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Ben Hogan was not one to waste time, even while he slept. He told of a recurring dream where he made 17 holes-in-one in a row, and then, off the 18th tee, he rimmed the cup. Hogan used his…

7 Golf Apps Worth Checking Out [Infographic]

Having a great app can take your golf game to the next level 1. Golf V1 Golf allows users to analyze their swing by recording themselves hitting a golf ball. Users can also compare their golf swing with the swings of professionals from a variety of professional golf tours. 2. Hole19 The app has information…

The Difference Between Rotating and Spinning

The Difference Between Rotating and Spinning by Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Many times in golf, what you think you’re doing during your swing and what you’re actually doing are two entirely different matters. Nowhere is this more evident than when you try your best…

Etiquette Makes the Game More Fun

Etiquette Makes the Game More Fun by Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research After a recent segment on etiquette, I received several emails from golfers who described what I’d call gamesmanship, i.e., purposely trying to upset the opponent. The golfer who stands directly behind you while…

What’s Your Favorite "19th" Hole?

What’s Your Favorite “19th” Hole? By Brian Hughes, PGA Master Professional, Golf Program Director, Keiser University College of Golf According to Wikipedia, the Nineteenth Hole is a slang term for a pub, bar, or restaurant on or near the golf course, very often the clubhouse itself. A standard round of golf has only eighteen holes, so golfers will say…

It’s Good for Your Game

It’s Good for Your Game by Dr. T. J. Tomasi Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research According to many historians, King Richard III of England not only had a deformed personality (Shakespeare described him as a monster) but also a deformed body caused by severe scoliosis, an abnormal curvature of…

College of Golf November 2017 Events

COLLEGE OF GOLF TOURNAMENT RAISES MONEY FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS PGA Professionals Frank Longabucco and David Wixson recently organized a student and staff golf tournament which benefited Cystic Fibrosis while serving as a valuable learning opportunity. Out of the group of ten, students Marshall Lamp and Daniel McCoy took home first place with a sterling score…

5 Ways to Enjoy Golf this Winter

Winter is upon us, and many of the regions across the United States will be experiencing chilly weather. Not everyone is lucky enough to get away to Arizona, Florida, Texas or Southern California to play golf this winter. Even if you are unable to go to a warmer region, you can still enjoy playing golf…

How to Handle the Release

How to Handle the Release by Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Ben Hogan said he wished he had three right hands, and one of the best ball strikers ever, Tommy Armour, nicknamed the Silver Scot, wrote an entire instruction book based on hitting with the…

Golf Handicap Scores: It’s Time to be Realistic

Walk around any golf clubhouse and you will hear players lamenting their handicaps. No matter if they play once a week or every day, most golfers want to improve their handicap scores. It isn’t often that golfers return from an 18-hole round of golf and are satisfied if they shot three of four strokes higher…