Coil is more than just a turn

COIL IS MORE THAN JUST A TURN By Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Your pelvis powers your golf swing, so finding the correct amount of hip turn is important. But creating power is not just a question of hip turn — it’s how much you…

Simple Learning Aid Leads to a True Roll

Simple Learning Aid Leads to a True Roll By Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Distance and direction are the two most important factors on every putt, and the players who allow the clubhead to release correctly (swing back and through around a central pivot point…

Faulty Forearms Destroy Release

By Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Most golfers lack clubhead speed through the hitting area because they fail to release their forearms properly. Faulty forearm action also produces either too much or too little clubface rotation through impact, disrupting the ball flight. On its own, your…

The Goldilocks Protocol

THE GOLDILOCKS’ PROTOCOL By Dr. T. J. Tomasi Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research I believe that part of being a great athlete is maintaining the correct attitude about failure. Research shows that Olympic athletes fail in practice more than do normal competitors, because they are always driving themselves to…


THE PELVIC PISTOL PART 2 by Dr. T. J. Tomasi Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Read part one of The Pelvic Pistol. Your Eye is Fooled: As we learned in my previous article, in a powerful swing, the pelvic curve created at the start of the downswing releases to…

Why a Golf Student was a Fidgeter

Why a Golf Student was a Fidgeter by Dr. T. J. Tomasi Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Brian was a professional golf player who could not get comfortable at address. In six lessons with me, his swing had improved, and so had his ball-striking; but, he was still having…

Golf Practice in the Future

GOLF PRACTICE IN THE FUTURE by Dr. T. J. Tomasi Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Many athletic trainers and coaches believe the human body has reached its optimal size – any bigger, we lose speed and flexibility, any smaller, and we lose power. The problem is the body architecture…

A Shaft Upside the Head

A Shaft Upside the Head by Dr. T. J. Tomasi Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Go to the practice tee at a PGA tour event and you’ll often see a caddie holding a shaft to their player’s head. The idea is to keep the hub of your swing stable…

The Pelvic Pistol

THE PELVIC PISTOL by Dr. T. J. Tomasi Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research You’ve heard it said many times that in golf “feel vs. real” are often different, but when it comes to proper hip action, so is “see vs. real” – what you think you see the experts…

The Quadruple Whammy – A Recipe for Ruining Your Swing

The Quadruple Whammy – A Recipe for Ruining Your Swing by Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research There are four sure-fire ways to ruin your swing – these are the QUADRUPLE WHAMMY! 1. Thinking about your swing while you’re swinging. I have written before about the…