Who Plays and Putts First?

Keiser University Question of the Month: Who Plays and Putts First? By Brian Hughes, PGA Master Professional Can’t we just be nice and decide among us whose turn it is to play? Outside of competition, I would say the answer is yes. Whoever is ready to play, provided the coast is clear, should go first,…

Why is Golf So Hard?

Keiser University Questions of the Month: Why is Golf So Hard? By Ken Martin, PGA Professional Certified in Instruction Keiser University College of Golf   As with most topics on golf, whether it is hard to master is a matter of perspective. One view may suggest that golf is not hard; hit the little white…

College of Golf November 2018 Events

COLLEGE OF GOLF STUDENTS CONDUCT TOURNAMENT TO BENEFIT CYSTIC FIBROSIS Students from Professor Frank Longabucco’s Tournament Management class hosted a charity golf event recently at PGA National Resort & Spa’s Estates Golf Course. Twenty-four students and staff participated in the event to benefit Cystic Fibrosis. The tournament was a two-player format called “One Best Ball…

Good Tips and Bad

Good Tips and Bad By Dr. T. J. Tomasi Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Of course, as a teacher, I recommend that you take lessons from a qualified teaching professional – but most do not. It’s estimated that only about 10 percent of the ~26 million golfers in the…

Rules of Golf Undergoes Biggest Overhaul Ever

Rules of Golf Undergoes Biggest Overhaul Ever By Brian Hughes, PGA Master Professional Keiser University College of Golf For years now, any time there is a rules of golf controversy on one of the major professional tours, the cries come out saying the rules of the game are not fair, antiquated and need to be…

Don’t Let Misconceptions Ruin Your Game

MISCONCEPTIONS CAN RUIN YOUR GAME By Dr. T. J. Tomasi Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Concepts are so important when it comes to learning your golf swing that I invented an acronym to make it easier for my students to remember – YGSWNBABTYCOWAGGSI. It looks awkward, but it is…

The Paradox of Learning May Be Ruining Your Golf

The Paradox of Learning May Be Ruining Your Golf By Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research When a lesson goes bad, the teacher tends to blame the student, and the student tends to blame the teacher – so who is most often responsible? You guessed it,…

The Scapula Tuck, Plus a Few Teaching Tips

The Scapula Tuck, Plus a Few Teaching Tips by Dr. T. J. Tomasi Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Measurements by researchers show that during the downswing the spine tilts away from the target causing a small curve or bow in the lower torso. To start the downswing, the back-shoulder…

May the PES Be with You

May the PES Be with You By Dr. T. J. Tomasi Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research A man nicknamed “Four-Finger Brown,” soon to be known as “Three-Finger Brown,” was mowing his lawn when his neighbor asked him how he got his nickname. The man stuck his finger into the…

The Culture of Golf and Why It’s Important

The Culture of Golf and Why It’s Important By John Callahan, PGA, Golf Magazine Adjunct Top 100 Teacher Golf Program Instructor Keiser University College of Golf The “Culture of Golf” has many laudable facets. For example, The First Tee, a youth sports organization with the mission of growing the game by transforming the experience of…