
College of Golf July 2022 Events

  College of Golf Students Participate in Short Game Clinic Keiser University College of Golf (KUCOG) PGA Professionals Frank Longabucco and Ken Martin and PGA Master Professionals Brian Hughes and David Wixson recently conducted an interactive student short game clinic. Students visited the program’s outdoor training area to learn more about the fundamentals of basic…

8 Tips to Improve Your Mental Game

by Bradley Turner Keiser University College of Golf Director of Online Golf Instruction – MBA, PGA Golf is all mental. This is a phrase I have heard many times from amateur golfers to seasoned professionals. I differ in my opinion on that statement as there is so much to the game of golf. I will…

College of Golf Students and Staff Play Hickory Golf

by Dr. Eric Wilson Keiser University College of Golf Executive Director of Golf Operations Four first-semester History of Golf class students at Keiser University’s College of Golf and four PGA Professionals recently played a round of Hickory Golf using hickory shafted golf clubs. Professor Ken Martin had the group dress in period clothing, and they…

A Lesson for a Lifetime

by Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research The player in the photo below was a very athletic student at Keiser University who aspired to be a scratch golfer. When we met, he was a low handicap, and after evaluating his swing, I honestly told him that…

The Right Address

by Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research The term “set-up” is a good one because that’s just what this portion of your pre-shot routine does – it ‘sets up’ your whole swing. Now you may not have the athletic talent of a tour player once the…