
Golf Training Aids For Beginners

Golf Training Aids For Beginners

If you’ve been looking to get to that next step on the golfing ladder, then you’ve more than likely checked out the huge range of golf training aids available.

The sheer number of products can be overwhelming, and it can be difficult to decide what you actually need.

Will a book or instructional DVD help you out?

Or perhaps you’re better buying that putting green or that fancy looking electronic gadget.

That’s surely got to give you the edge, right?

When you’re a beginner, it can be confusing separating what works from the gimmicks that only want to extract the cash from your pocket.

If you’ve been struggling to choose a product, here’s a few golf training aids for the beginning enthusiast.


The Birdieball looks more like a plumbing fixture than a golf training aid.

But this little practice ball gives beginners the chance to drill numerous shots anywhere they can find some open space.

The Birdieball is made from an extremely durable super polymer that gives the feel and accuracy of hitting a real golf ball.

However, its distance is limited to 25-65 yards depending on the club used.

It also indicates when it has been struck correctly by emitting a “turbine sound,” and it hangs in the air for a long enough time to show an accurate trajectory before dropping off.

Zepp Golf 3D Swing Analyzer

This handy little tool from Zepp attaches to your glove and is able to wirelessly send all your swing data to your smartphone or tablet.

Pretty cool, huh?

Besides scoring top marks for coolness, the device also offers real value in picking apart your technique.

With each swing of the club, you can analyze your movement in 3D from any angle, and even compare it with the movement and statistics from swings of the PGA pros.

It easily allows you to track and improve on key performance indicators such as clubhead speed, tempo, backswing position, and hip rotation.

SKLZ Smash Bag

The Smash Bag is a heavy-duty impact training tool that will help you perfect the connection between clubface and ball.

It is made from durable PVC nylon that is weighed down by stuffing material, such as old clothes or towels.

The Smash Bag is designed to aid in stopping slicing as well as bringing an end to fat and thin shots as you perfect your swing by aiming for the target on the side of the bag.

Best of all, the compact Smash Bag is light and can be easily taken anywhere for continued practice.

Izzo Smooth Swing

Bands are more synonymous with eccentric 80s workouts than improving you golf swing.

However, the Izzo Smooth Swing has nothing to do with Lycra and big hair.

This simple –  yet effective – band could be one of the best golf training aids on the market.

The theory behind the product, is that by binding both arms together during the swing, you retain correct posture and stop your arms from “chicken winging”.

With practice, the band works to improve your accuracy and help you achieve greater distance.

We hope you’ve found these golf training aids useful.

If you’re looking for more in-depth instruction and wish to start a path to a golf career, contact us today at 888-355-4465.

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