
College of Golf November 2021 Events

College of Golf Students Enjoy Student and Staff Competition Keiser University College of Golf students recently participated in a friendly Student and Staff Competition held at Okeeheelee Golf Course in West Palm Beach, Florida. The format was a two-person scramble, and the winners were Florian Benner and Isac Wallin, with a score of 12 under…

Should You Change Your Putting Grip

by Bradley Turner Keiser University College of Golf and Director of Online Golf Instruction – MBA, PGA The search for the magic potion on the putting green will probably never cease for the competitive or addicted golfer. A seemingly easy task like putting can become confounding and frustrating. In extreme cases, golfers can get to…

Flying Elbow Must Find Its Roost

by Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research When your elbow flies away from your trail side during your backswing so that it juts out at the top of your swing, it can cause you some problems at impact. And then again, it may not, depending on…

The Golf Swing Has Two Distinct Parts

by Dr. T. J. Tomasi Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research The golf swing has two distinct parts categorized by time: the address position to the top and the much shorter interval from the start of the downswing to impact. In the first part of the swing, elite players stay…

Balance is a Sport-Specific Skill

by Dr. T. J. Tomasi, Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Science Says: Stronger muscles allow you to have better balance because you can better hold the high-speed positions during the golf swing. But it probably won’t help your swing to train the balance system by doing general (generic) balance…