Golf is a Game of Geometry
A Legacy Post by Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Dr. T. J. Tomasi (1940-2023) Golf is a game of geometry; so, to facilitate the rotary action of the swing, a key element is that the ball must be in the correct position at address. What Kind of Mathematics…
Golf Muscle Memory: From Harry Potter* to Jordan Spieth
A Legacy Post by Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Dr. T. J. Tomasi (1940-2023) A Pensieve is a magical instrument used by Professor Dumbledore* to manipulate memories. Is this merely the product of a childlike imagination that exists only in a Harry Potter* work of fiction? Not anymore! …
Golf Decision-Making: Flip-Flop Your Way to Better Putting
A Legacy Post by Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Dr. T. J. Tomasi (1940-2023) In politics, the kiss of death is to be a flip-flopper. Unusual as it is, changing your mind because of new information is considered a character flaw in politicians. But in ‘real’ life, as…
Develop a Trouble-Free Mental Map
A Legacy Post by Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Dr. T. J. Tomasi (1940-2023) Golfers gather plenty of information about where the ball is, but not many collect enough information about where the target is. It’s ironic that in a game where hitting the target is all that…
Five Star Master Golfer
A Legacy Post by Keiser University College of Golf Senior Faculty and Director of Research Dr. T. J. Tomasi (1940-2023) What would golf be like if you didn’t keep score? It might be really fun, especially while you are learning – plus, it’s much easier to “learn.” But for about 95% of golfers, the…