
Why You Should Switch to a Career in Golf Course Management

golf course management
Have you ever considered a career in golf course management?
Maybe you are in another industry, and you don’t know if it is a good idea to switch careers, or you are no satisfied with your current job growth and career path.
If so, you should consider switching to a career in golf management for several reasons which might include any of the following:

-You feel stifled in your current career path
-You want a career with a variety and challenge
-You want to be in an industry with long-term growth prospects
-You are interested in golf course agronomy and plant science
-You want to develop your leadership and communication skills
-You want a career that has job openings in different parts of the country
-You love the game of golf

In this article, we will explore these areas and expand on them to give you a clearer picture of the golf industry career opportunities available that might meet your needs.
You might be surprised at the number of jobs and careers available.
If you feel stuck and unsatisfied in your current career, the golf industry might be just the ticket for you.

Variety and Challenge

If you feel stifled in your current job or career path, you are not alone.
A recent study by Rasmussen College revealed that almost 20 percent of Americans are unhappy at work, and around 22 percent say they do not see a clear career path in their current position or industry.
In contrast, the golf management industry offers a wide variety of positions and challenges.
Many people are not aware of the diversity and variety of jobs that open up when you pursue a golf management degree.
Potential careers can include general manager, director of golf, college golf coach, high school golf coach, head golf professional, golf course superintendent, membership director, golf manufacturer representative, golf instructor, retail management, retail sales and many more.

Long-Term Growth

Despite going through two major recessions in the United States, in 2001 and again in 2007-2009, the golf industry enjoys a loyal following that is constantly growing the game.
Golf attracts almost 26 million players every year.
The number of golf facilities currently on the market is higher than it was in 2000.
SRI estimates the amount of spending on goods and services in the American golf economy approaches $70 billion every year.
While there has been a reduction in capital investment and golf real estate developments, core golf operations were up 6 percent, tournaments were up 21 percent and facility operations and related travel grew by 14 percent in 2011.
When you look at total economic impact, SRI reports that golf generates almost $180 billion a year, creating almost 2 million jobs paying more than $55 billion in wages.

Golf Agronomy

When many people think of golf, they picture their favorite stars hitting beautiful shots on Sunday afternoon to win major tournaments.
That is a big part of the game, but golf course superintendents are the real backbone of the sport.
Without the knowledge, experience and expertise of superintendents, you would not be able to enjoy the beautiful courses available to you no matter where you live.
If you are fascinated by how golf courses are maintained; how different plant varieties are utilized; and how proper landscaping and plant management helps the course grow and flourish, a golf course superintendent career might be right for you.
A golf course superintendent has a unique blend of technical knowledge and leadership skills.
In this role, you would be responsible for implementing budgets and operating plans; planning staff schedules and ensuring standards are met; keeping the golf course in excellent playing condition; overseeing construction projects including installing and maintaining plants, turf, shrubs and trees; maintaining the equipment, vehicles and tools; beginning and monitoring the purchase of supplies; and tracking performance with accurate records on expenses, construction, equipment repair, chemical and fertilizer costs and labor costs.
This demonstrates the value of a golf course management degree it gives you the proper blend of coursework that includes business topics, agronomy and communication skills.

Job Mobility

Another advantage of switching to a golf course management career is that there are job opportunities around the country and around the globe.
The National Golf Foundation in partnership with the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews reported there are around 34,000 golf courses in the world.
American courses make up roughly 45 percent of the total, or around 15,000 courses.
That is down from a peak of 16,000, but there are over 150 new projects under development.
The majority of the golf courses found in the world are in the US, Australia, England, Japan, Canada, Scotland, Germany, France, South Africa, and Sweden.
There are about 700 golf courses under construction or in planning stages.
These projects include areas relatively new to the sport like Azerbaijan, Belarus and Georgia.
The trend in Europe is moving toward shorter  courses ranging from 6 to twelve holes that appeal to casual golfers and families.
In addition to standard golf courses, the golf industry encompasses private country clubs, golf ranges, golf equipment manufacturers and retailers, golf training centers, golf real estate development and thousands of related businesses.
All of these industry segments provide lots of opportunity to gain employment almost anywhere you want to live.

Leadership Development

Golf is considered a solo game, played “mano-a-mano” by top professionals in battle week in and week out.
But golf courses, golf companies and golf developments are anything but a solo operation.
They rely on the teamwork and commitment to excellence of hundreds of people.
Coordinating these disparate groups requires skill and insightful leadership.
A golf management career will provide you with the opportunity to develop your leadership skills, building your confidence and improve your ability to communicate with a wide variety of coworkers, staff, vendors and upper management.
These skills are valuable no matter what career you were in, and your ability to grow your talents will accelerate your golf management career.

Love of The Game

Another important reason to switch to a golf management career is less technical and more emotional: You love the game.
While this may not seem like the most practical reason to switch careers, it is an important one.
Life goes by fast, even more so the older you get.
Not everybody has the chance to work in and around a sport or activity they love.
Golf is a large enough business that is popular in many parts of the world.
This massive industry provides lots of openings and career growth.
Not every sport has the same breadth and depth of career opportunities.

Envy of Family and Friends

So if you love the game, you are lucky that it is a large industry — anyone interested in getting involved will find a myriad of career paths open to them.
In contrast, if someone was interested in, let’s say, the badminton industry, there are going to be less opportunities for someone who loves that sport to make it their career.
Working in golf doesn’t necessarily mean being a PGA Tour pro.
You will be the envy of your friends and family just by telling them that you work in the golf industry in any capacity.

Golfers Are Committed

Golf is a sport that makes people fall deeply in love with it.
Golfers will do anything they can to shave a few strokes of their game; they buy any product, doodad or instruction book they believe will help improve their game.
Golfers will travel to warm climates in the winter if their home course is covered in snow.
They’ll jump on a plane to Scotland to visit the birthplace of the game just to experience the history and traditions.
In other words, golf has a loyal community and kinship that many sports do not share.
Working in the industry of a sport you love is an important reason to consider switching to a golf management career.
In addition to the economic and practical reasons, a golf course management degree gives you emotional satisfaction you won’t get anywhere else.

Contact Us

We believe we offer a better opportunity than the myriad of golf schools in Florida due to our more than 1500 square feet of indoor golf instruction space; the opportunity to play golf every week; comprehensive business training that prepares you for all aspects of management and leadership; partnerships with some of the biggest names in the sport including Taylormade, Club Car, and many more; playing and practicing at top clubs like PGA National; earning credits toward PGA membership and much more.
Discover more about how a golf course management degree can help you change your current career course.
Give us a call at 888.355.4465 / 561.478.5500 and ask to talk to one of our career counselors at the College of Golf

1 comment

  1. Wow, it’s interesting how you said that golf attracts almost 26 million players every year. One of my friend’s son is learning how to play golf because his dad took to watch a game and he loved it. It would be nice to let him know that he can study golf course management so that he can study what he likes.

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