Why do Golf Courses Have Dress Codes
Ever wonder why golfers wear those clothes they do? Well they are following the golf course dress code. See what’s a must and what you can get away with
Why do Golf Courses Have Dress Codes?
Golf has long had a dress code and etiquette that players must adhere to. This has been a way to keep new golfers as well as veterans of the game in line with the traditions of the game. Each course and golf competition has its own rules on dress code.
Golf Course Dress Code
So, what attire is appropriate for golf courses?
Collared Shirts
Most golf courses mandate that men must wear a collared shirt. Women must wear modest-looking shirts, which can include collared tops. No t-shirts are allowed.
Trousers or Shorts
Most courses require men to wear trousers when playing. Knee-length shorts are generally allowed as well. However, jeans shirts, jeans or cargo shorts are not permitted. Players should not wear any type of workout or fitness clothing.
Golf Shoes
Golfers must wear either soft spikes or traditional metal spikes to play on the courses. Trainers, running shoes and the like are not appropriate for most golf courses.
Traditionally, golf courses require socks to match the player’s full attire.
Golf courses usually only permit baseball caps (clean and not beaten up) or straw hats to be worn by players.
Your golf attire is one way to prepare for the game. Another way to look great on the course is to improve your game. See what Keiser University College of Golf can do for your game. Contact us today.
Tradition does not seem to be an adequate reason, given the many fabrics and the supposed desire of the golf industry to attract and retain players. If my playing partners and I are not offended and are otherwise not violating the law, I resent being told what I must wear to play a sport. Any golf course that wants my money must grant me that freedom or they get no $. Plenty of other sports are competing for my time and money.
I understand women looking modest and men not looking like slobs but mandating a collared shirt is a bit much.
And we wonder why the golf industry is struggling. Time for change. If you want to attract new and younger golfers to the sport, you need to be willing to change. It is a sport after all, why not treat it like other sports and allow for comfortable athletic wear. By sticking with ‘tradition’ you are telling younger folks that this is your parents sport, not yours.
As long as its clean, in good repair and doesn’t provoke negativity, who cares? I guess my heathen ways are showing
How about Tiger’s Mock shirt?
Not necessarily fuzzyman.
Some things deserve the privilege of staying tradition.
It’s not unreasonable to request a colored shirt, slacks or shorts that are non jeans and socks to match – keeping in mind white can match anything.
Many young people play golf in my family, 13 to 34.
None of which have a problem with the dress code. And none of them think Golf is only “ their” grand parents or parents game.
Not necessarily
Some things deserve the privilege of staying tradition
It’s not unreasonable to request a colored shirt, slacks or shorts that are non jeans and socks to match –
keeping in mind white can match anything.
Many young people play golf in my family, 13 to 34.
None of which have a problem with the dress code.
And none of them think Golf is only “ their” grand parents or parents game.
It’s just boring old snobby crap. Even the jeans thing is really unbelievable stupid. Some Chad is doing blow and drinking from a flask but he looks great in his collar shirt and trousers nerdville
@ Nana clause. I have no concern with collared shirts. However, after a bout with melanoma I am forced to wear long sleeves year round. I much prefer dressy button up collared shirts to Polo shirts. I have several travel and hiking sun blocking button up shirts and have ordered William Murray.com long sleeve button up golf shirts. They look far dressier than a polo with the sun blocking pull on sleeves which look like arm warmers. Give us older people a break and allow button up shirts on all courses.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with requiring people to dress nicely. It is a shame to see how sloppy people dress today and so many people don’t care about what they look like when they go out. So many people care only about comfort and our society is the worse for it. I don’t believe the golf industry is struggling and they shouldn’t have to change in order to attract new, young golfers. The young golfers are the ones who should change the way they dress. Our youth are getting sloppier in their appearance, and it is not something that we should “conform” to.