
One Simple Trick To Improve Your Putting [Infographic]

One Trick To Improve Your Putting

One Trick To Improve Your Putting

Putting make up about 50% of the shots made in golf. As such, it’s in your best interest to not be terrible at it. Check out (and commit to practicing) this drill aimed at helping you with distance control and you’ll find yourself improving.

Ladder Drill

One of the least helpful things you can do for your putt is to only practice from one distance. Try this instead:

  1. Space out four golf balls at the distances that you would like to putt from.
  2. Start at your short putt and work your way back the ladder.
  3. Put some pressure on your practice by starting the ladder over every time you miss.
  4. Place a reward (a cool drink, etc) at the end of the ladder to incentivize yourself.
  5. Practice this routine with consistency. Your improvement depends on your commitment.

Spend some time practicing the ladder drill and let us know how it improves your putting!

Want more putting tips? Check out the tips on our YouTube channel.

Want to improve your putting while preparing for a golf career? Contact Keiser University College of Golf and Sport Management  today.

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