
Five Things Being a Golfer Says About Your Personality

5 Things Being a Golfer Says About Your Personality

By Bradley Turner Keiser University College of Golf Executive Director – MBA, PGA

The average non-golfer must wonder what is so appealing about the game of golf from the perspective of the 25 million golfers in America. I can attest on behalf of many American golfers that there are many special aspects to the game that you can only experience by playing a lot of golf. For those of us who are addicted to the game, the only cure for our addiction is to secure a tee time this weekend! What does that say about a golfer who can’t help but play more golf? We will explore five things about a golfer’s personality that might just align with those of a non-golfer. If so, golf is probably a perfect sport for the non-golfer to try, but be aware of the addiction that may result.

#1. Golfers are Optimistic

Golfers differ from each other in many ways, including skill level, equipment preferences, swing characteristics, and temperament on the golf course. I have played with many avid golfers who appear to be pessimistic by displaying negative self-talk on the golf course. While this is not ideal for any golfer to be so hard on their playing ability, when that same golfer shows up the next day for another round of golf, that is one optimistic golfer! Optimism is one personality trait that unites avid golfers.

Any avid golfer is an eternal optimist. When they purchase a new putter, they believe that they will start making putts. Is that new driver going to produce long and straight drives? For the addicted golfer, the answer is a resounding YES.  We all have experienced bad days on the golf course, but a real golfer will lace up the golf shoes the next time, ready to play a great round of golf. Golfers are optimists.

#2. Golfers are Driven

There is a popular practice range in my community that is packed with optimistic golfers. I always wonder why they are out there hitting golf balls in the first place. What is driving them to spend time and money hitting golf balls at random targets in a field? The optimism of golfers will influence their behavior and encourage them to spend more time practicing at the local driving range.

Whenever I see golfers practicing, I know they are driven to be better and understand that some hard work is required to meet their golf expectations. Why practice in the first place if you are not concerned with improvement? Another example of driven golfers is those who work with a professional golf coach. This commitment essentially demonstrates their belief in themselves that improving is possible. Why take golf lessons if you are not concerned with improvement? Golfers are optimistic and are driven to work hard to improve their golf game.

#3. Golfers are Detail Oriented

Golfers who play a lot will learn to become process-oriented in their play. A detailed pre-shot routine is a good starting point for avid golfers. The pre-shot routine can become very complex with many external variables. Understanding the external influence on the golf course, such as weather conditions, turf conditions, and green speed, requires golfers to be observant and detailed in their decision-making process.

Avid golfers will have physical and mental routines that help them to play to their potential. These routines should be simple and repeatable. Detail-oriented does not imply complexity but rather consistency in the process. Golfers are optimistic and are driven to improve their golf game which inspires them to be detail oriented.

#4. Golfers are Persistent

In Greek mythology, the gods punish King Sisyphus for somehow cheating death twice. He is sentenced to the underworld to spend eternity rolling a boulder up a hill. Every time Sisyphus nears the top of the hill, the boulder rolls back down. The game of golf can be just like that for many golfers. There are times on the golf course when the game seems to be easy and effortless. The golfer can play to their potential, and the satisfaction of their performance gives them that unique intrinsic reward. But more often than not, golfers feel like Sisyphus!

Despite the setbacks that are inherent in the game of golf, successful golfers demonstrate incredible persistence and belief that everything will eventually work out in their favor. With persistence as an ally, one day they will push the boulder on top of the hill. Golfers are optimistic and are driven to improve their golf game, which encourages them to be detail-oriented and persistent in their pursuit of better golf.

#5. Golfers are Patient

For those golfers accepting the challenge to put forth persistent effort in their pursuit of lowering their scores, patience is a must. Establishing realistic expectations can breed the patience necessary for golf improvement. On the other hand, unrealistic expectations make it very difficult for the average golfer to overcome the frustration that comes with playing golf. With 40 years of coaching experience, the following improvement scenario is accurate for most golfers. There are always outliers who outperform expectations, as well as those who underperform. What can a golfer expect from their improvement? I have always said that an avid golfer can cut their handicap in half every year they play as long as they are working with a good golf coach and staying true to the improvement plan.

As an example, a 36-handicap beginner golfer can expect to significantly improve over a 12-month time frame to an 18-handicap golfer. This process would continue with the golfer ending year two as a 9-handicapper, and then a 4.5 handicap after 36 months. In year four, the handicap is down to 2.2, and then after 5 years of hard work with a golf coach guiding the way, the golfer is almost scratched. Golfers are optimistic and are driven to improve their golf game, which encourages them to be detail oriented. They are persistent in their pursuit of improvement and show tremendous patience in the process.

Is Golf for You?

Golf is much more of a discipline like martial arts than a sport like baseball. The journey is long, primarily because you can play the game for your entire life. Like martial arts, golf is complex and requires mental strength as well as physical strength to play well or ascend to black belt status. The more effort you put into an activity like martial arts, the more you will get out of martial arts. Golf is the same; the more effort you put into golf, the more you get out of it. If you are a non-golfer and sense that these personality traits align with who you are, then golf is the sport for you. Golf is a wonderful discipline to take on, and the enjoyment and benefits of becoming a true golfer will last a lifetime.

Learn more!

Want more tips? If you want to take your game to the next level, contact our team at Keiser University’s College of Golf & Sport Management today. With our dedication and experience, we can elevate your game to new heights together. Give us a call today at 888-355-4465.

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