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Sport Management and Operations, MS


Keiser University’s Master of Science in Sport Management and Operations (MSSMO) is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed for a professional career in the sport industry.  The program prepares students for a variety of positions in the business of sports.  The program imbues students with critical thinking skills, business acumen, and communication abilities to lead a multitude of sports endeavors – from little league to scholastic sports to higher education sports to professional sports. Ethical foundations and professional standards are established and reinforced. The MSSMO program encourages creativity and independent learning, while fostering a climate of classroom collaboration.

Program Objectives

Upon completion of this program, students are able to:

  • Effectively market sport, its products and services, for consumer consumption
  • Limit liability in sport organizations through application of both risk management and best legal practices
  • Design, implement, and manage sport events and facilities
  • Identify and utilize trends in sport consumption to manage market strategies for the improved consumption of a sport product or service
  • Apply best practices in sales to improve sales performance in a sport organization
  • Apply ethical principles and critical thinking in the management and leadership of various sports organizations
  • Assess current issues in sport management – in light of technology – and their likely impact on varying sport organizations
  • Discuss how the economics and finance of sport influence the business decisions of sport organizations
  • Manage the day-to-day business aspects of a sport organization toward the fulfillment of that organization’s mission and objectives
  • Communicate effectively in speech, writing, other methods, and through technology to stakeholders
Prerequisites for Major Courses

Students are required to take SMO600 Internship before taking SMO610 Sport Management and Operations Capstone.

  • Sport Business Management
  • Venue and Event Operations
  • Governance and Policy in Sport Organizations
  • Sport Marketing and Revenue Generation
  • Sport Communications and Public Relations
  • Sponsorship and Fund Raising
  • Sport Finance and Economics
  • Legal Aspects of Sport and Risk Management
  • Sport Leadership and Ethics
  • Technology and Social Media in Sport
  • Internship
  • Sport Management and Operations Capstone*
    *taken in last term, pre-req: Internship